
Vox Group: Upholding Sustainable Innovation, Environmental Responsibility, and Ethical Supply Chain Management

Sustainable Innovation

Vox Group is deeply committed to environmental stewardship, understanding that sustainability is vital for the future of our planet. Our ethos extends beyond mere profitability to encompass positive contributions to society and the environment. This principle is woven through all aspects of our business, from supply chain selection to waste management practices.

Environmental Responsibility

Our comprehensive environmental policy reflects our resolve to conduct business practices that respect and protect the environment. We’re committed to enhancing our environmental performance by focusing on waste reduction, resource conservation, and establishing a sustainable and ethical supply chain.

A primary focus of our waste management strategy is on three key consumables: batteries, single-use earphones, and cardboard packaging. All these components are fully recyclable. We have partnered with approved recycling services such as Loop Recycle in the UK and maintain similar best practices across Europe. To facilitate customer participation, we offer free return courier services for all our components, along with clear instructions for their efficient return and recycling.

We also confirm that Vox complies with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations, thereby managing the lifecycle of our electronic products responsibly.

Ethical Supply Chain Management

In addition to minimising our environmental impact, Vox Group takes an uncompromising stand on human rights issues. Our commitment to ethical supply chain management involves stringent checks to prevent modern slavery at every point in our supply chain.

We conduct regular audits of our suppliers to ensure they adhere to international standards and legislation concerning human rights and labour practices. Every supplier is required to provide evidence of their compliance with laws that prohibit modern slavery, forced labour, and human trafficking. Non-compliance results in the immediate termination of our business relationship and potential legal actions.

Our suppliers are also expected to extend these ethical requirements to their own suppliers, creating a ripple effect of positive change. This ensures that our commitment to ethical practices reverberates through all layers of production and sourcing, strengthening the collective effort to eradicate modern slavery from our industry.


Our dedication to sustainability goes beyond compliance with the law. We aim to integrate best practices into our business processes and decision-making. We engage actively with our stakeholders to remain accountable for our environmental and social impact. Our continuous search for innovative ways to improve environmental performance is guided by a balanced approach to meeting both the environmental and economic needs of our communities.